Meet the Board
On June 5, 2013, the Puerto Rican Bar Association of Florida held an open Board of Directors Meeting called Meet the Board. Many members were present. Discussions included civil rights issues relating to Puerto Ricans, future programming and the elections process. It was nice to see everyone again. The Board of Directors appointed Luis De Rosa, Richard R. Robles and Alejandro Tirado-Luciano to the Elections Committee. The deadline for submittal of Notice of Candidate Intent (Candidate Statement) is July 31, 2013. Only candidates who file this form before the aforementioned date will be included on the ballots. Elections will take place on September 30, 2013. Early voting will be available. REMEMBER ONLY MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING WILL BE PERMITTED TO VOTE AND RUN FOR A BOARD POSITION. Good luck to all!
In the wake of the earthquakes that have affected Puerto Rico since January 6, 2020,
the membership of PRBAF offer their thoughts and prayers to the affected families and wish
to provide the following public service information for the benefit of those in the island.
A raíz de los terremotos que han afectado a Puerto Rico desde el 6 de enero de 2020,
los miembros del PRBAF ofrecen sus pensamientos y oraciones a las familias afectados y desean
proporcionar la siguiente información de servicio público para el beneficio de aquellos en la isla:
Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA): 1-800-621-3362.
Cuartel General de la Policía de Puerto Rico: 787-343-2020 o el 787-793-1234
Servicio Nacional de Meteorología: 787-253-4586
Departamento de Transporte y Obras Públicas: 787-225-1539, 787-721-8790, 787-721-6043 o el 787-722-1401.
Bomberos de Puerto Rico: 787-722-1120 en el área metropolitana
Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica: 787-521-3434
Autoridad de Acueductos y Alcantarillados: 787-620-2482 en el área metropolitana y 787-860-2482 en Fajardo
Cruz Roja Americana: 787-758-8150
Agencia Estatal para el Manejo de Emergencias: 787-724-0124